PhD-Movie am 14.03.12 in Münster – humorvoller Blick auf den Wissenschaftsalltag

Die biotechnologische Studenteninitiative (btS) zeigt das „PhD-Movie – Kartenvorverkauf ab 7. März.

Worum geht es in dem Film? Das sagt die btS dazu:

The live-action adaption of the popular PhD comics portrays the everyday insanity of academia with a good dose of humor, as it follows four graduate students in their desperate fight to reconcile research, teaching and their private lives. Produced by real PhD students and researchers, plenty of déjà vu moments and inside jokes are guaranteed.
We invite you to enjoy this movie with us on 
Wednesday 14th March 2012, 6 p.m
. lecture hall PC7, Schlossplatz 7 Hof (opposite of the international office).

Duration: 67 min              Language: English            Entrance fee: 2 €

Pre-selling: Wednesday 7.3.2012 from 11:30 a.m. at the Mensa am Ring


PHD Movie Trailer from PHD Comics on Vimeo.

Eine Antwort to “PhD-Movie am 14.03.12 in Münster – humorvoller Blick auf den Wissenschaftsalltag”

  1. rlika Says:

    Ein Dr. med. ist nicht Ph.D äquivalent.

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